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Zirkus ON Open Call 2024/25:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is an Access Rider?

An access rider contains access requirements for cooperation. For example, information on individual needs in the event of disabilities or chronic illness of people involved in the project, which must be taken into account when working with Zirkus ON during the project period.

Not sure what the acces requirements are? Read ... 
Diversity Arts Culture provides guidance for the Access Rider
...  Access Docs for Artists by Leah Clements, Alice Hattrick and Lizzy Rose

What is a Green Rider ?
A Green Rider can contain information on the planned use of resources in the project, information on the project-related sustainability concept, or standards that should be observed when working with Zirkus ON during the program period.  

Not sure what is ecologically sustainable?  Take a look at ...
BFDK ECO Rider by Franziska Pierwoss on behalf of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V.  
... Sustainability Lab by Aurora Nova (in English)

What is a Tech Rider/Tec Rider?  
A Tech Rider contains technical requirements for working as a guest at a residency location or for events. For example, information on specific technical requirements, equipment and set-up times in the project, which must be taken into account when working with Zirkus ON during the project period and which, for example, serve as a basis for in-house technicians to prepare.  

Who is part of the artistic core team of the project?

All people who are firmly involved in the creation and whose role/function is necessary for the creation of the same and is foreseeable at this point in time. As part of the Zirkus ON program, these core team members take part in all residencies, presentations and networking formats. For example: Artists, dramaturges, technicians, scenographers, producers. This description of the persons in the application form may include Name, place of work, artistic focus/professional fields of activity, 2-3 experiences or skills acquired, relevant to the project. 

What should be included in the "Names of all other persons involved in the project" section of the application form?

In the corresponding text field of the application form, there is space for naming external persons involved in the project in phases or those to whom tasks/assignments for certain roles in the project are to be given.    

The person(s) named are not part of the project team, but are involved in the implementation of the project for creative phases or as freelance project collaborators. For example, experts who are consulted on a fee basis during research and production, or who facilitate access requirements. For example: Scientists, awareness coaches, interpreters, outside-eye, lighting designers, photographers, videographers, riggers 

I am an artist with many years of professional experience / part of a company with a repertoire of more than 3 creations. Can I apply for the call?  
Yes, the condition that only projects by artists/companies up to the 3rd creation can apply has been abolished.  

Where do the residencies take place?
The 3 Zirkus ON residencies within the 2024/25 creation program will take place at the locations of the partners in the Zirkus ON creation alliance. A current overview of the alliance partners in Germany and Eastern France can be found on our website here.

Are there suspension points for aerial artistry at the Zirkus ON residency locations?  
Yes, several residence locations have suspension points 5 to 7 meters high.   

What does "open-format" creations mean?
A creation does not have to be a stage piece. Circus art is open in its forms and formats. The following are also possible: site-specific works, outdoor works, performative exhibitions, interactive play and theater formats for tents or individual city walks, performance lectures and interdisciplinary performance formats. At the end of the creation program, a presentation form of open-format creation should emerge. 

The call is aimed at authors. What does "authors" mean for Zirkus ON?
By authors we mean: the creators/authors of the work and responsible for the artistic realization. They are recognized by name as the authors of the work/piece. In contemporary circus, the authors are usually also the performers of the work. There are also works in which the authors are responsible for the direction/artistic direction of the work. Authorship without participation in the artistic realization of the work is not recognized for ZON. 


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