OPen call for:
Circus projects by artists and companies up to the 3rd creation
Projects by established circus artists and companies that want to reposition themselves through their artistic project
open call
Zirkus ON Edition 5, 2023/24
by the Kreationsbündnis für Zirkuskunst – Zirkus ON
Creation alliance Zirkus ON:
Zirkus ON is a creative alliance that intensively accompanies 3 selected circus projects in creation for 2 years. Hereby, Zirkus ON visibly increases the intensity of research, the diversity of form, the quality of artistic implementation, as well as the amount of circus presentations in Germany.
The Zirkus ON creation programme supports cooperation offers, enhances joy of experimentation, helps to attract audiences, promotes presentation formats, encourages aesthetic discourses, reflection, visions, and supports the recognition of circus arts in Germany.
Zirkus ON encourages and perpetuates support and funding opportunities, the development of diverse creation formats, as well as decentralized cooperation in the field of circus art production and presentation.
zirkus on creation programme:
Accompanies 3 circus projects (of any format) whose focus is to predominantly create in Germany in 2023 and 2024.
Supports each project with 2 mentors in the areas of production and artistic development for one year
4-5, usually one-week residences per project (rehearsal location and accommodation, rehearsal fee according to the current minimum wage recommendation of BFDK, reimbursement of travel costs)
Organizes stage presentations with the projects (work-in-progress presentations, showings and pitches) at the alliance partners’
Offers knowledge transfer formats and networking opportunities tailored to the projects’ needs
Provides each project with 3,000 Euros of research budget and 1,500 Euros of teaser video production budget
Creates exchange opportunities with alliance partners and the circus scene
Application requirements:
The artists/companies have a contact address in Germany or are planning to move their base to Germany.
During the 5th edition of Zirkus ON, the artists are not involved in any full-time apprenticeship or studies.
The creation’s research phase has already begun.
The project is available for:
The opening presentations at Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen from 26/5/23 to 31/5/2023.
The stage presentations at the ATOLL Festival (Tollhaus Karlsruhe) from 15/9/23 until 23/9/23.
Final presentations in autumn 2024 in a format corresponding to the creation.
application parts:
contact information
project title, contact person / name of company
Short project description (500 characters max)
for publication in the jury statement, if the projects is selected
Detailed project description (1500 characters max)
including information on social and/or artistic relevance for one's own occupation and art form
Presentation of project schedule
planned artistic and technical implementation with timeline
A brief description of the team
A short reference to each person and their profession
1 Green rider & 1 access rider
with details on participation in the project and planned use of resources
Project portfolio
designed freely (max. 2 DinA4 pages)
short video of the project
the video should give a visual reference in relation to this specific project.
Project photo
for publication in the jury statement, should the project be selected
digital Q&A events:
Marina Rieger (she/her)
Coordination and contact person for questions regarding Zirkus ON edition 5, 2023/24:
subject: OPEN CALL
The application is submitted through the sending in the application material via the application form and by uploading the attachements on the Zirkus ON Website.
The application is only complete, if the application form (opens in a new browser window) and the uploads have been sent in.
If it is not possible to submit the application via the website, please send all information from the application form and the attachements to the following email:
subject: [project title]
Application period: 9/1/23 -20/2/23
Application deadline: 20/2/23 11:59pm CET
The application form opens in a new browser window
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jury 2023:
the jury 2023 for selecting 3 projects for the Edition 5 (2023/24)
Hanna Ma

Corinna Dümler, Chamäleon Berlin PERSPECTIVE VENUE
Johannes Frisch, ATOLL Festival Karlsruhe / Tollhaus Karlsruhe PERSPECTIVE VENUE/FESTIVAL
Benjamin Richter, u.a. Stockholm University of the Arts PERSPECTIVE LECTURER /DRAMATURG

application form:
Upload attachements
Zirkus ON contact:
Hannah Ma (she/her/no pronouns) has roots in Hong Kong and Berchtesgaden.
Hannah Ma works as a performer, choreographer, curator, mentor, and producer, mainly in Germany, Luxembourg and South Africa. Hannah Ma has published several artistic-philosophical texts as well as an interdisciplinary publication and is co-founder and part of the artistic management team of the United Networks gUG.
Hannah Ma's artistic practice can mainly be found in a feminist, anti-racist and philosophical context. In terms of content, it focuses on intersectional storytelling and the representation of multi-perspective narratives as well as discrimination-sensitive productions and artistic research.
In addition to working in the performing arts, Hannah Ma works in the field of hospice care and as a coach for somatic transformation and decolonization processes.
Hannah loves spicy food, adventurous interventions of all kinds and everything that makes her laugh and pause for a moment. | |
Corinna Duemler (she/her) has worked in various genres and positions in the performing arts sectorfor more than 10 years. She started out with an internship at Komische Oper and then ended up at Chamäleon Berlin via many detours. There, she is production manager and supports companies and artists from the rehearsal room, onto stage and through the season.
Xenia Bannuscher (she/they) is a circus artist and choreographer and works with her collective Sinking Sideways at the interface between dance acrobatics and choreography. Xenia also works as a solo artist and loves spending her free time with books and crafts.
The Sinking Sideways collective was supported in the Zirkus ON Edition 2021/22 for their debut piece René. The company premiered their second piece Cécile in January 2023.
Xenia Bannuscher is part of the 2023 Zirkus ON Jury as a Zirkus ON Alumni and is currently on tour with Sinking Sideways.
Johannes Frisch (he/him) has been a member of Kulturzentrum Tollhaus Karlsruhe since 1994. He is also a freelance cultural journalist and musician and composer. As a musician with a focus on free improvisation, he has created countless music for stage plays, acting, dance and film, but above all, puppet theatre, in addition to numerous recordings and worldwide tours. This is also how hispenchant for visual theatre arose, including contemporary circus. He is a member of the ATOLL Festival for Contemporary Circus team and is also involved in the Circostrada network. Since 2018, he has been part of Zirkus ON and is a Zirkus ON e.V. board member. He lives and works in Karlsruhe.
Benjamin Richter (he/him) has worked transdisciplinary, and with a focus on the relationship between body, object, and space in the fields of contemporary circus, dance and performance since 1991.
The basis and starting point of his work is his self-developed object-oriented practice "TLO, The Language of Objects", which also includes somatic knowledge, and which he combines with techniques of improvisation. In addition to his own creations and creative process support for other companies such as Andrea Salustri (I), Kolja Huneck (D) and John-Paul Zaccarini (UK), he has collaborated with Cox Ahlers and Jenny Patschovsky on site-specific processes and performances for the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since 2016.

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The OPEN CALL 2023/24 is closed.
All artists and companies that have sent in an application will be contacted via email.
Zirkus ON is welcoming feedback on the open call for internal evaluation processes.
Feedback can be submitted to Zirkus ON via the online-form below anonymously.
The form can be answered in English an German ans is available until April 15th, 2023.
© 2023 Zirkus ON